Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Days are Long but the Weeks Fly By

My Aunt Dora and cousin Masako were here for a week helping Irvin, Ruby, and I adjust to life with a newborn. They are amazing. They did our shopping, cooking, cleaning, diaper changing, and anything else that came up for the whole week. Not only was I spoiled for days on end with delicious meals and clean bathrooms -- I was blessed with lots of laughter and great conversation. Sometimes you just need to be with people who know you....I mean, really know you.

Dora has been like a mother to me for as long as I can remember, and especially since my actual mother died over 5 years ago. I think it's so important to have women in your life who are older, more experienced. Women who have been through the mountains and valleys of life and have taken the time to learn from what they have gone through. What a priceless gift to bounce thoughts and ideas off of a women who is married, has raised/is in the process of raising 5 great kids, and seeks to follow Christ in all she does. In so many ways I want to be like her when I grow up. Since we live so far away (New Orleans and PA) I just soak up the moments when we can sit down with tea and McVitties and talk politics, faith, relationships, church, etc. Its my type of soul food.

They've left New Orleans and yet I feel refreshed even though I'm sleep-deprived, full even though I'm drained, and ready to take on this new role even though I'm unsure of what I'm doing. Just knowing that there are people who love me, are praying for me, and are just a phone call away gives me confidence beyond measure.

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