Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Anderson's Birth Story

Monday May 25th I woke up around 5:20am for one of my many trips to the bathroom. After settling back into bed I had this weird feeling in my lower abdomen. It was sort of like I had to go to the bathroom again but sort of different too. It went away rather quickly so I didn’t bother getting up. A little while later the same feeling came back. Hmmm, maybe these were contractions! I checked the time – it was 5:50am and this was my second contraction in about 20 minutes. Nothing painful, just sort of a tightening in my lower abs/bladder area. Then it happened again. Check the clock – 6:00am. Ok, this is seeming like a pattern. Clearly I can’t go back to sleep now this is just too exciting! Instead I text message my great friend Sarah since I know she has to be at work at 7am anyway. Her excitement spurs mine on even more. After about an hour I make my way into the living room where Irvin fell asleep watching TV the night before. I wake him up and nonchalantly tell him I’ve been having contractions for an hour.

There’s nothing really to do so we both just lay around until Ruby gets awake around 8am. The contractions continue but are just mediocre (maybe a 3 out of 10 on a discomfort scale). They’re still about 10 or so minutes apart but nothing that would stop me in from going about my day. Then, around 10am things slowed down. The contractions faded and we all were getting cabin fever from just sitting around waiting. Maybe going on a walk would help get things going again. Oh right, it’s pouring down rain. Scratch that idea. We all need to get out of the house so I decide to check some things off my list and we load up in the van and head to the mall. It’s Memorial Day so I knew good sales would await and Ruby was in desperate need of some summer clothes. After an hour or so of shopping, a big delicious lunch at Chik-fil-A, and just a few weak sporadic contractions we head home.

Around 2pm we decide that it’s family naptime and what a glorious naptime it is. We each got 3 hours of uninterrupted quality sleep…maybe my uterus would feel rested enough to get back to work! Or maybe not.

Bored out of our minds, it’s Irvin’s turn to pick an activity to get us out of the house. Naturally, he picks fishing. Eh, that doesn’t sound so fun to me but walking along the Lakefront may get the ball rolling again and when our friends Truman and Ashley agree to meet us there it’s a go.

It’s a beautiful evening for a walk so Ashley and I load our kids (they have a 10 month old son, August) in the strollers and leisurely chat it up while we’re walking. I feel a few contractions that were about a 4 out of 10 but nothing to call home about (as I told my brother who called for an update). After our walk we sat on a bench for a snack and more chatting. Every time I stood up another contraction would come. In the back of my mind I think, maybe this walk actually did something. But then again maybe not so I don’t get too excited.

As it gets close to 8pm we all pack up and head home. On the 15 minute drive home I had two more contractions! There were a little bit stronger too. Strong enough that I didn’t feel like talking in the middle of them. That was definitely progress. Then, as I’m getting out of the van at our house a significantly stronger contraction comes upon me. I really just have to sit there and breathe through it. Hmm, that was the strongest yet. I think this is actual labor but I’m not positive.

Irvin got Ruby dinner as I laid down for a little bit. The contractions kept coming and they were definitely stronger than in the morning. Around 9pm Ruby is ready for bed. We start our normal routine with our Franklin the Turtle book. In the middle of the story I had to take a break…strong contraction…Ruby please sit still, Mommy doesn’t feel so good. Ok, it passed. I hurry up and finish the book. I rush through our prayer, sing a shortened version of one song, fly through Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and lay her down just in time for another contraction to start. I gingerly walk out of the room – walking isn’t very comfortable in the middle of a strong contraction.

There is an NBA game on when I get to the living room (no different than any other recent night! J) as I stretch out on the couch. It’s about 9:30pm. I was really hungry an hour ago but now I’m not interested in the lasagna in our fridge. Irvin thinks we should time the contractions for an hour to get our baseline assessment of where we stand. He’s such a great coach with his stopwatch around his neck (which he’s been carrying around since 7am!). At the beginning of that hour I think eating an orange sounds good. Coach Irvin obliges. It’s so delicious. About 20 minutes later eating an orange sounds like a horrible idea. And 20 minutes after that I ask for a trash can. I think I might be sick but thankfully I never threw up. Ok, an hour of timing finally ends. I tell Irvin that this is definitely real labor but the contractions don’t feel quite strong enough to warrant thinking about a trip to the hospital. My greatest fear is getting to the hospital and being barely dilated. With Ruby I got to the hospital and was 7 centimeters already but still labored for 12 hours before she was born. I was definitely not looking to repeat that. I found the Coach’s synopsis of the contractions interesting. They were all under 5 minutes apart and all lasted over a minute. That can’t be right I said, they just don’t seem that productive! He told me he thought I was farther along than I felt. What could he know? He had never gone through childbirth before. I know my body and I think we have some time. (I’ll eat those words forever!) I think taking a shower will be good. Showers are supposed to be relaxing and really get contractions to intensify. Taking a bath worked well with Ruby but since I actually wanted to bathe and wash my hair a shower sounded delightful. My plan was to stay in there until the hot water ran out and I was to knock on the wall if anything drastic happened – like if my water broke. Irvin was going to lay down and try to catch a nap. It was around 11pm.

The shower was feeling amazing! So relaxing. It felt great to be clean after a long day of random emotions and long walks. The contractions continued but they didn’t feel as strong as they had been. They did however feel closer together. I hazily remembered 2 years ago when we were taking our Bradley Childbirth classes that a great position for laboring was squatting. I never did that with Ruby because every contraction was back labor and I was afraid squatting would hurt my back even more. I felt good this time though and since I was so comfortable I thought I’d see if the good Dr. Bradley was right. Well, that was the last contraction I would have the in the shower. It was the strongest contraction I had had all day (a 7 out of 10 on the discomfort scale) and it just felt different. As I got out of the shower I still felt good overall. Good enough to make sure my hair looked relatively cute. I had another minor contraction but nothing too intense.

I decide to lie down on the bed for a minute to continue my relaxing mood. Irvin asks if he should resume timing the contractions. Lets just see how the next one is I tell him. Well, the next one came and it was strong and it made me feel a little bit like pushing. Hmm, that’s interesting. I had the same feeling with Ruby and that’s when I decided it was time to go the hospital. I tell Irvin to call someone to hang out at our house while Ruby sleeps, it’s time to hit the road. He agrees and tells me to get dressed while he makes the call. Another contraction comes….I don’t think I can get up to get my clothes, Coach. I just want to lay here for a minute.

Then came the next contraction. Uh oh, there’s no mistaking this one. I absolutely have to push right now! So I push. Things start to get a bit frantic. Irvin, this baby is coming right now. Call Wendy (our pastor’s wife who happens to be a midwife). Shoot – no answer. It’s 12:15am. No Irvin we can’t make it to the hospital. Another contraction. My body is pushing regardless of what I want so the only thing I can do is push along with it. Irvin, call 911 right now! 911? Yes, this baby is coming right now call 911!

This is so surreal. Is this really happening? Irvin runs to the bathroom to wash his hands. Then he runs back to the bathroom to grab a towel. I would describe it as controlled chaos. Irvin tries to help me sit up into a position more comfortable than laying flat on my back. I can’t move! Not in the middle of a contraction! Ok, that one passes, I can sit up now. No, Irvin tells the operator, I can’t see the head. Another contraction…more pushing. During this contraction my water broke with a gush. Ok, yes I see the head Irvin says. The head is right there. What! The head is right there? It’s almost reassuring…this is almost over. Another contraction. Phew, the head is out. One last contraction. The body is out too. Woo hoo! We did it. IT’S A BOY! I can hear the 911 operator giving some muffled instructions. Irvin, help me untangle the umbilical cord that is randomly wrapped around his shoulder and leg. Ok, now give him to me! Oh, my sweet little boy it’s ok, keep on crying. We did it! Welcome to the world! It’s 12:23am.

Phew, that was crazy. We just had a baby on our bed. I hear sirens in the distance. Golden Girl (our dog), get off the bed! Irvin, the paramedics are here. You should put the dog in the cage so she doesn’t bark.

The paramedics are nice and do their job well. You made our job easy they tell me, you did the hard part! Oh it wasn’t that bad I tell them. I had a great coach.

As baby Irvin Anderson Bell and I are wheeled down our hallway toward the front door we are greeted by friends, Micah and Dingo (they were the ones originally called to sit with Ruby when we thought we were going to the hospital). What a proud moment for the Bell family. It’s not too often that a city boy gets to deliver his son in his house. And it’s not too often that a 23 month old girl sleeps straight through the birth of her baby brother in the next room.

It’s all in a days work I say. All in a days work.


  1. Sarah, This is such a wonderful story. God was certainly with you that day. My babies mostly came real fast too. But only once did I barely make it to the hospital.
    Keep posting those pictures because I'm sad that I'm not there to see Ruby grow and to see baby Irvin.

  2. amazing! how in the world were you so calm & collected through all of that?! you and Irvin are such studs. can't wait to see little Anderson on my next visit to Nola :) Love y'all.

  3. I just had to hear the story again. Reading it is so intense! I miss you guys like crazy. I can't wait to see lil' Anderson, Ruby, and especially my big sis and her honey. Sarah, you inspire me to be superwoman...God has truly empowered you to be a strong woman. Go Girl!

  4. Hey Sarah,
    Not sure if you remember me, but I'm a friend of Jeff and Katie's and we've met once or twice. I stumbled on your blog from a fb link and am a sucker for a good birth story and that was a doozy! Amazing job Mama (and coach)--I LOVE IT! You renewed my doula dreams:) Thanks for sharing and best wishes for your family.
